Thursday, June 11, 2009

These things

Make me happy right now:

1. running into friends at the beach
2. meeting strangers and sharing a common interest
3. going on burrito runs with co-workers during lunch break
4. welcoming a new member to my extended family (my cousin's dog Ruby)
5. watching friends reruns with loved ones
6. finishing projects
7. meeting Kristi at Michael's for a quick walk through after work
8. eating fresh fruit
9. going for afternoon walks around the block
10. finding my balance

I wanted to share this photo of Dan that was taken by his mom, Zena, at his violin recital. He is finally finished with all 10 Suzuki books. I'm so proud of this graduate! I'll be back soon with LOTS of pictures when I've met a few more of my deadlines.


dani said...

These are all such lovely things. :)

Nathalie Kalbach said...

these are indeed some very loveley happy things :) Love the pic - violin how cool!

Kristi said...

It's about time you blogged, lol! Yay, I love that I made the list! Maybe we can add meeting at Scrap Happy to it, lol.

Mom said...

Mom wants to be on your happy list too!

Melissa Mann said...

love the list!

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